Mahler Explorations (1)

February 15th 2022
video release Studio 17 productions / Gustav-Mahler-Vereinigung Germany


  • Simon Yang (tenor)
  • Burkhard Kehring (piano)
  • Johannes Schmidt (cameras / video mastering)
  • Christian Jahnke (audio mastering)


  • Gustav Mahler


  • Li Bai
  • Hans Bethge


  • German
  • Chinese (in translation)

Gustav Mahler's piano version of "Das Lied von der Erde", based on free translations and re-compositions of ancient Chinese Poems by Hans Bethge, forms the starting point of a new long term project that explores Mahler's relationship with Far-Eastern poetry - and it's possible consequences and perspectives for global art song composition.

The first exploration includes a video-audio-production of the Mahler song originally titeled "Der Pavillon aus Porzellan", that was transformed into the third movement "Von der Jugend" of Mahler's orchestral work later.

Video: Gustav Mahler - Der Pavillon aus Porzellan